21st Century Gurukulam


21st Century Gurukulam is the brainchild of Prof.Raj Reddy of Carnegie Mellon University(USA), who was awarded ACM Turing Award(Nobel Prize of computing), for pioneering the design and construction of large scale artificial intelligence systems, demonstrating the practical importance and potential commercial impact of artificial intelligence techngy.


The t Century Gurukulam ( 21CG) is a new educational program that acts as a template of CMU , which follows the same 'Learning by Doing' concept, and hence the students are facilitated with Mentors but not regular lecturers.

It is modeled after the ancient Gurukulam and the modern-day Kibbutz. Its primary purpose is to provide remedial education and IT training leading to a postgraduate degree in IT for the current top 1% of the rural youth.


To go into further details of 21CG please click the following link




This course is meant for those rural students who though intelligent, are weak in English language, and lack skills to face the competitive world. Hence this programme aims at grooming the students in their code of conduct, communication and presentation skills, especially focuses on GDs and Interviews.


The system provides every student a loan to cover all expenses which is repaid only after graduation. In the event that the student does not get a job paying at least 2 lakhs per year, the gurukulam will hire the graduate as an assistant mentor with a salary and also payoff the loan at a rate of 1 lakh per annum (education with money-back guarantee.)


We propose to identify these local best candidates by replacing the current .National Test to Select the National Best (NTSNB) Model. by .National Test to Select the Local Best (NTSLB) Model.. In this model, every student takes the .same. national examination but whether you .pass or not. is determined at the local level based on your relative performance among all the children of a cluster of villages.


To view the establishment details of 21CG, please click the following link



To view the eligibility criteria for the prospective students, please click the following link




To view the current curriculum for the 21CG, please click the following link




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